$555.00 USD


These powerful one on one sessions with Imani Nic are open periodically for first time clients only. If we are meant to work deeper together you will be invited into other supportive options. The cost of this session can be credited to any further 1:1 work we do together from here.

If you are reading this: BOOKING IS NOW OPEN. 

This is a powerful 1:1 session that takes you gently, yet directly to the root of your experience for energetic alchemy + transformation. Specializing in a number of transformational modalities, this session is customized to anything that you personally need at this time.

*After you enter your card details you will see the calendar to schedule. If the times and dates available do not work for you, please select one of the dates to proceed and email [email protected] right away to schedule a time that works for you.

Please choose a quiet location where you can remain undisturbed through the duration of the 90 min session. Sessions take place via zoom.

*No refunds once payment is submitted, but you can reschedule if anything comes up.


 Energy is everything and everything is energy. From medicine to relationships to business, working in the energetic realm is the fastest, most direct path to true and lasting change. We can do all the things: eat the right foods, exercise, supplement, and implement all the 3D strategies for success, but if we are not clearing the energetic root causes of the emotional blockages, we are over-efforting and avoiding. We will continue to struggle and experience difficulty until the root cause of the energetic blockage has been cleared. 

This work is for you if any of these resonate: 

  •  You are ready to break through your own glass ceiling and are looking for the most rapid, direct support.
  • You are an entrepreneur desiring a breakthrough to your personal growth and expansion for your business.
  • You are ready to free yourself from the past and heal your life on the levels of mind, body + spirit.
  •  You feel ready for an energetic shift and know that you desire healthier, more fulfilling life experiences.
  •  You know you are meant for bigger things, but need help clearing limiting beliefs and outdated patterns.
  •  You truly desire to feel lighter + freed from (potentially) decades of emotional baggage you have been carrying around.
  •  Desire to address the root causes of dis-ease/ physical symptoms/ nervous tension / anxiety
  •  Would like to heal relationships with those in your life
  •  Would like to heal childhood and/or generational trauma
  •  Would like to learn how to address the emotional root causes of unwellness
  •  Would like to breakthrough fears and live life with a deeper sense of trust
  •  Would like to access the deeper spiritual aspects of your being and align with your life of purpose
  •  Would like to access the well of divine guidance within you
  •  Feel a desire to clear unworthiness /not feeling good enough, lack, and scarcity.
  •  Struggle with feeling and expressing yourself and your emotions.

This work is for you if you are ready to connect deeply with yourself, clear the energetic blockages you are experiencing, and claim the life you most desire to life. If you are unclear on what your dream life even looks like, this work will get you to a deep level of clarity!